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Turn on/off Battery Mode

Battery mode is designed for laptop and tablet users. It minimizes the impact on power consumption when the battery charge level is lower than you define.

When Internet Security Services is in Battery Mode:

  • Internet Security Services Automatic Updates are postponed.
  • Scheduled scans are postponed.
  • The Security Widget is turned off.

To turn off Battery mode

  1. Open Internet Security Services.
  2. Click on the Utilities icon. The Utilities screen appears.
  3. Click Settings in the Profiles panel.
  4. In the Profiles screen, scroll down to the Battery Mode Profile and click the switch to turn off feature.

To turn on Battery Mode

  1. Open Internet Security Services.
  2. Click on the Utilities icon. The Utilities screen appears.
  3. Click Settings in the Profiles panel.
  4. In the Profiles screen, scroll down to the Battery Mode Profile and click the switch to turn on feature.
  5. Click Configure to open the profile settings.
  6. Modify settings as desired and click Save.