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Ajoutez une adresse de courriel Bell Aliant

Bell Aliant provides you with free, additional email addresses so you can create accounts for yourself or family members. You get 4 free additional email addresses with High-Speed, FibreOP or Dial-Up Unlimited and 2 free additional email addresses with Dial-Up 15 or 40 Hour service.

For quick reference, use the following checklist to create a new address or remove an existing email address. For more guidance, follow the detailed step-by-step instructions.

What you need before you start


  • Your My Account online log in information
  • Your email or internet username and password. If you do not know your password, you will need to contact us.

Follow these easy steps

Log in to My Account online

  1. Allez à Mon compte
  2. Entrez votre adresse de courriel et votre mot de passe.
  3. Sélectionnez Se connecter.

Remarque : Si vous n’êtes pas inscrit à Mon compte, sélectionnez le bouton S’inscrire. Vous aurez besoin de ce qui suit :

  • Votre numéro de compte Bell Aliant
  • Le code postal de l’endroit où vos services sont actuellement installés

Pour obtenir de l’aide pour vous inscrire, consultez notre article de soutien


Select Add/Remove email addresses

  1. Click Add/Remove email addresses from the My Services Internet block on the My Account overview page.
  2. If requested, enter your email or Internet username and password.
  3. Click Continue.

    IMAGE: Add/Remove email address

  4. You may be prompted to supply your internet username and password.
  5. Click Add & Remove E-mail addresses
  6. A list of your current email addresses appears.
  7. Scroll to the Add an E-mail Address section.
  8. Enter the text for your new email address.
  9. Enter a password for your new email address in the Enter password field. 
  10. Enter the password again in the Confirm password field.
  11. Click on Continue.

  12. The Add an E-mail Address Confirmation screen appears. Click Confirm to create that email address.

  13. The confirmation screen appears once your address has been created.