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Download TMN GO App on an Android device

Downloading the TMN Go on your Android Tablet or phone is easy.

Just follow the steps below. Please note, if you are using a computer, you do not need to download the app, you simply need to Watch TMN GO on your computer.

What you need before you start

  • You must be subscribed to TMN (included in the Premium movies FibreOP TV package).
  • You must be registered to My Account in order to sign in to TMN Go. If you have not registered to My Account, you can follow the steps in our Register for My Account support article


Follow these easy steps

  1. On the home screen, click on the Play Store icon.

  2. Click Search

  3. Enter TMNGO.

  4. From the search results screen, select the TMNGO app.

  5. Select INSTALL.

  6. If prompted, Accept the app permissions.

  7. Select Open to open the app.