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Block internet usage by day and / or time of day

To restrict Internet access:

  1. Open a web browser (Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer).
  2. Go to:
  3. Log in to your account using your Internet Security Services user name and password. If you have not linked your computer to your MySecurity dashboard, view our Link my computer to the MySecurity Dashboard article.
  4. Click Parental Control to access the dashboard.
  5. Select your child's profile on the left-side menu. If you have not created a profile for you child, view our Create profiles in Parental Control for my children article.
  6. Click the arrow to access the Web Activity window.
  7. Click Schedule. 
  8. From the grid, click on the time cell you would like for the internet to be blocked.

    Note: You can click individual cells, or you can click and drag to cover longer periods.

  9. Click the Save button.