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Switch to paperless billing

Do you have a business account? Learn about switching to e-bill for business.

Setting up e-bill in My Account is easy to do.

You get an email notification when your secure bill is ready to view online. You can also set up a reminder email notification to arrive one week before your bill payment is due.

To switch from a paper bill to e-bill:

  1. Go to My Account.
  2. Enter your email address and your password.
  3. Select Log in

    Note: If you haven't registered for My Account, select the Register now button. You will need: 

    • Your Bell Aliant account number
    • The postal code where your services are currently installed

    For help registering, see our Register for My Account support article. 

  1. The My Account overview screen appears. In the My Bill section, select Sign up for e-bill.

    Image: Switch to paperless

  2. The Confirm paperless billing preferences screen appears:

    Image: Switch to paperless

    1. Select Change address if you need to update your email notification address.
    2. Leave the check mark in the Send me a payment reminder 1 week before my bill is due checkbox, if you wish to receive a payment reminder.
    3. Select the checkbox to remove the checkmark if you do not wish to receive the payment reminder.
    4. Select Submit to confirm your preferences.
  3. The Please confirm your email address screen appears:


    Note: We will send you an email that asks you to confirm we are using the correct email address. Open this email and select Confirm to complete your setup.


    Image: Confirm billing preferences

    1. Verify that your email address is the one you want to use to receive your email notification.
    2. Select Continue to confirm.
  4. The Switch to paperless - Confirmation screen appears. Select Back to My Account to go back to the main My Account screen. 
  5. To complete the process, open the email and confirm the switch to e-bill by selecting the Confirm link.

    Image: Confirm billing preferences

  6.  Once you complete this step, you will next see a confirmation of your switch to e-bill.

    Image: Confirm billing preferences