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Change or cancel a scheduled recording in the Fibe TV app on a computer

  1. Click Recordings.

    Click Recordings.Click Recordings.Click Recordings.

  2. Click Scheduled.

    Click Scheduled.Click Scheduled.Click Scheduled.

  3. Click the recording you wish to cancel or change.

    Click the recording you wish to cancel or change.Click the recording you wish to cancel or change.Click the recording you wish to cancel or change.

  4. Click Settings.

    Click Settings.Click Settings.Click Settings.

  5. To make changes, edit any of the options and then click Save.

    To make changes, edit any of the options and then click Save.To make changes, edit any of the options and then click Save.To make changes, edit any of the options and then click Save.

  6. To cancel the recording, click Cancel Episode.

    To cancel the recording, click Cancel Episode.To cancel the recording, click Cancel Episode.To cancel the recording, click Cancel Episode.

  7. Click Cancel Episode.

    Click Cancel Episode.Click Cancel Episode.Click Cancel Episode.

  8. The recording has been cancelled.

    The recording has been cancelled.The recording has been cancelled.The recording has been cancelled.