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Delete video or picture clips

You can delete pictures or video clips from your private portal site if they are no longer required.

For more guidance, follow the detailed step-by-step instructions.

What you need before you start:

  • NextGen Home Security subscription 
  • Java: If you do not have Java installed, you will be prompted to do so. View our Prompted to install java support article.
  • Quicktime: If you do not have Quicktime installed, you will be prompted to do so. View our Prompted to install Quicktime support article.


Follow these easy steps:

  1. Log in to the Home Security web portal.
  2. Click the Summary tab.
  3. Click the name of the camera that captured the image.
  4. The thumbnails will be displayed in the Pictures pop-up window.
  5. Click the thumbnail of the picture or video clip you want to delete.
  6. Click Delete This Picture or Delete This Clip.
  7. Click OK on the message prompts to confirm that you want to delete the picture or video clip.
  8. The next picture will be displayed after the portal deletes the previous picture or video clip.

Additional information:

You can only delete one picture or video clip at a time.

The last remaining picture or video can not be deleted.