In order to program your remote, you will need to find the code for the brand of device you are using and then follow our programming instructions.
The remote code(s) for TVs:
Brand | Code |
Accurian | 1803 |
Action | 0873 |
Admiral | 0093, 0463 |
Advent | 0761, 0783, 1933 |
Aiko | 0092 |
Aiwa | 1362 |
Akai | 0812, 1675, 0702, 0765, 0030, 0672, 1207, 1385, 1935, 2232 |
Akura | 1687 |
Albatron | 0843 |
America Action | 0180 |
Anam | 0180 |
AOC | 0030, 1365, 1589, 1590, 2014, 2087, 2402, 2479 |
Aomni | 1623 |
Apex Digital | 0748, 0879, 0765, 0767, 0890, 1217, 1992, 2397 |
Astar | 1531, 1738 |
Audinac | 0180 |
Audiovox | 1564, 0451, 0180, 0092, 0623, 0802, 0846, 0875, 1284, 1766, 1769, 1803,1865, 1937, 1951, 1952, 2121 |
Aventura | 0171 |
Axion | 1937 |
Baysonic | 0236, 0463, 0180 |
Bell & Howell | 0154 |
BenQ | 1032, 1315, 1756 |
BGH | 0876, 0898 |
Blue Sky | 1254 |
Boigle | 1696 |
Bradford | 0180 |
Brillian | 1007 |
Broksonic | 0236, 0463, 1935, 1938 |
Bydesign | 1309 |
Candle | 0030, 0056 |
Carnivale | 0030 |
Carver | 0054 |
Casio | 1205 |
CCE | 0037, 0623 |
Celebrity | 0000 |
Celera | 0765 |
Champion | 1362 |
Changhong | 0765 |
Cineral | 0451, 0092 |
Citizen | 0451, 0060, 0030, 0092, 0056, 0561, 1672, 1935 |
Clarion | 0180 |
Coby | 1538, 1634, 2306, 2314, 2315, 2338, 2340, 2343, 2344, 2345, 2350, 2560, 3202 |
Commercial Solutions | 1447, 0047 |
Concerto | 0056 |
Conia | 1687 |
Contec | 0180 |
Continental | 2357 |
Coradir | 2844 |
Craig | 0180 |
Croma | 1011 |
Crosley | 0000, 0054 |
Crown | 0180, 0672 |
Crown Mustang | 0672 |
Curtis | 1200, 1326, 2352, 2397, 2466 |
Curtis Mathes | 0047, 0054, 0154, 0451, 0093, 0060, 0702, 0030, 0145, 0166, 1661, 0056, 1147, 1347, 1959 |
CXC | 0180 |
Cytron | 1326 |
Daenyx | 0180, 0672 |
Daewoo | 0154, 0451, 0092, 1661, 0623, 0661, 0672, 1816 |
Daytron | 0180 |
Dell | 1264, 1080, 1178, 1863 |
Denon | 0145 |
Diamond Vision | 1997 |
Digistar | 1565 |
Digital Lifestyles | 1765 |
Disney | 1665, 2152 |
Drean | 0037 |
DSE | 1565 |
Dumont | 0017 |
Durabrand | 0463, 0180, 0178, 0171, 1034, 1463, 1665 |
Dynex | 1463, 1785, 1810, 2049, 2184 |
Electroband | 0000 |
Electrograph | 1755, 1623 |
Electrohome | 0463, 1670, 1672 |
Elektra | 0017, 1661 |
Element | 1687, 1886, 2183 |
Emerson | 1864, 0154, 0451, 0236, 0463, 0180, 0178, 0171, 1661, 0623, 1394, 1665,1886, 1944, 1963, 1997 |
Emprex | 1422, 1765 |
Encross | 0876 |
Envision | 0030, 0813, 1365, 1589, 2014, 2087 |
Epson | 1122 |
ESA | 0812, 0171, 1944, 1963 |
Firstline | 0037 |
Fisher | 0154, 1362 |
Fluid | 2964 |
Fujimaro | 1687 |
Fujitsu | 0809, 0683, 0853 |
Fujitsu Siemens | 0809 |
Funai | 0000, 0180, 0171, 1271, 1904, 1963, 1979 |
Futuretech | 0180 |
Gateway | 1755, 1756 |
GE | 1547, 1447, 0047, 0051, 0451,0765, 0178, 1347, 1922, 2359 |
General Electric | 0047 |
GFM | 1864, 0171, 1665, 1886, 1963 |
Gibralter | 0017, 0030 |
Global Home | 1565 |
Go Video | 0886 |
GoldStar | 0178, 0030, 0037, 0056 |
Gradiente | 0053, 0056 |
Grundig | 0037, 0070, 0672, 0683 |
Grunpy | 0180 |
H & B | 1366 |
Haier | 1034, 1748, 1749, 1753, 2293, 2309, 2494, 3204 |
Hallmark | 0178 |
Hanns.G | 1783 |
Hannspree | 1348, 1745, 1783, 2786 |
Harley Davidson | 1904 |
Harman/Kardon | 0054 |
Harvard | 0180 |
Havermy | 0093 |
Helios | 0865 |
Hello Kitty | 0451 |
Hewlett Packard | 1494, 2540 |
Himitsu | 0180 |
Hisense | 0748, 1314, 1660, 2098, 2355, 2419 |
Hitachi | 1643, 1145, 0145, 0056, 0679, 0797, 1345,1445,1904, 2215, 2431, 2433 |
Hitech | 1814 |
HP | 1494, 2540 |
Hyundai | 0849, 1219, 1814 |
I-Inc | 1746 |
iLo | 1463, 1286, 1394, 1603, 1665, 1684, 1990 |
Initial | 1603, 1990 |
Innova | 0037 |
Insignia | 1423, 1564, 0463, 0171, 2751, 2432, 2184, 2088,2049, 2002, 1963, 1892,1810, 1785, 1660, 1641, 1517, 1385, 1326, 1204 |
Inteq | 0017 |
IRT | 0451, 1661 |
ITT Nokia | 0180 |
IX | 0877 |
JBL | 0054 |
JCB | 0000 |
JCM | 2256 |
Jensen | 0761, 1299, 1326, 1933 |
JVC | 0463, 0053, 0650, 0731, 1253, 1601, 1774, 1923, 2264, 2271 |
KDS | 1687 |
KEC | 0180 |
Ken Brown | 0236, 0463, 1321 |
Kenia | 0030, 0082 |
Kenwood | 0030 |
Kioto | 0054 |
KLH | 0765, 0767 |
Konka | 1385 |
Kost | 1262, 1483 |
Kreisen | 0876 |
KTV | 0180, 0030 |
LG | 1423, 1447, 0017, 1265, 0178, 0030, 2834, 2731, 2424, 2359,2358, 2182, 1993, 1860, 1859,1768, 1721, 1325, 1178, 0856, 0056 |
Lloyd's | 1904 |
Loewe | 0087 |
Luxman | 0056 |
LXI | 0047, 0054, 0154, 0156, 0178 |
Lynx | 1565 |
M&S | 0054, 0236 |
MAG | 1687 |
Magnavox | 1454, 1866, 1755, 0054,0051, 0030, 0171, 2372, 1990, 1963, 1944, 1904,1867, 1525, 1455, 1365, 1254, 1198, 0802 |
Marantz | 1454, 0054, 0030, 0037, 0704, 0855, 1398, 1714 |
Matsushita | 0250, 0650 |
Maxent | 1755, 0762, 1211, 1714 |
Megatron | 0178, 0145 |
Memorex | 0154, 0463, 0150, 0178, 0877, 1665, 1670, 1785, 1892, 1924, 1927, 1938 |
MGA | 0150, 0178, 0030 |
Midland | 0047, 0017, 0051 |
Mintek | 1603, 1990 |
Mitsubishi | 1250, 0093, 0150, 0178, 0836, 1797 |
Monivision | 0843 |
Motorola | 0093 |
MTC | 0060, 0030, 0056 |
Multitech | 0180 |
Mx Onda | 1687 |
NAD | 0156, 0178, 0037, 0056, 0866, 1156 |
Naxa | 2104 |
NEC | 0030, 0056, 0704, 0876, 1398, 1704, 1797 |
Netsat | 0037 |
NetTV | 1755, 0762 |
NEX | 1814 |
Nexus Electronics | 2183 |
Nikko | 0178, 0030, 0092 |
Nimbro | 2104 |
Noblex | 0154 |
Nokia | 0180, 0861 |
Norcent | 0748, 0824, 1365, 1589, 1590, 1591, 1745, 2110 |
Norwood Micro | 1286 |
NTC | 0092 |
Nu-Tec | 2157 |
NuVision | 2158 |
Olevia | 1610, 1144, 1240, 1331 |
Onwa | 0180 |
Optimus | 0250, 0154, 0166, 0650, 1924, 1927 |
Optoma | 1348 |
Optonica | 0093 |
Orion | 0236, 0463, 1463, 1938 |
Otic | 1687 |
Packard Bell | 0092 |
Panasonic | 1480, 0250, 0051, 0650, 1271,1291, 1345, 1924, 1927, 1941,1946, 1947, 2240, 2264 |
Panavox | 0861 |
PARK | 2104 |
Penney | 0047, 0156, 0051, 0060, 0178, 0030, 1347 |
Petters | 1523 |
Philco | 0054, 0451, 0463, 0030, 0145, 0171, 0092, 1661, 0082, 1271, 1394, 1665, 1963 |
Philips | 1454, 1866, 0054, 0171, 0037, 0690, 1394, 1455, 1483, 1744,1806, 1867, 1961, 2372, 2374, 2564 |
Pilot | 0030 |
Pioneer | 1457, 0166, 0679, 0866, 1260,1398, 2240 |
Planar | 1288, 1589 |
Polaroid | 1523, 0765, 2425, 2121, 2117,2063, 2002, 1992, 1769, 1767,1766, 1763, 1762, 1687, 1565, 1538, 1385, 1341, 1327, 1326, 1316, 1314, 1286, 1276, 1262, 0865 |
Portland | 0451, 0092, 1661 |
Precision | 1792 |
Prima | 0761, 0783, 1749, 1753, 1785, 1933 |
Prism | 0051 |
Proscan | 1447, 0047, 0030, 1347,1922, 2147, 2183, 2256 |
Proton | 0178 |
Proview | 1687 |
Pulsar | 0017 |
Punktal | 2687 |
Pye | 0412 |
Pyle | 1200 |
RadioShack | 0047, 0154, 0180, 0178, 0030, 0056, 1904 |
RCA | 1547, 1447, 0047, 0051, 0093, 0060, 1661, 2932, 2746, 2434, 2247, 2187,2002, 1959, 1958, 1953,1922, 1781, 1347, 1147, 0679 |
Realistic | 0154, 0180, 0178, 0030, 0056 |
RevolutionHD | 1623 |
Runco | 0017, 0030, 1398 |
Sampo | 1755, 0030, 0762 |
Samsung | 0812, 0060, 0702, 0178, 0030, 2814, 2697, 2596, 2137, 2103, 2051, 1959, 1060,0814, 0766, 0650, 0056, 0037 |
Sansei | 0451, 0092 |
Sansui | 0463, 0171, 1463, 1409, 1670, 1892, 1904, 1935, 1938 |
Sanyo | 0054, 0154, 1142, 1362 |
Sceptre | 0878, 1217, 1360, 1599, 2337, 2506 |
Scotch | 0178 |
Scott | 0236, 0180, 0178, 1711 |
Sears | 0047, 0054, 0154, 0156,0178, 0171, 0056, 1007, 1904 |
Semivox | 0236, 0463, 0180 |
Semp | 0156, 1356, 1743 |
Sense | 1865 |
Serie Dorada | 0156, 0180, 0178, 0030, 0056 |
Sharp | 0818, 0093, 1459, 1602, 1659, 2360, 2402, 2495 |
Sheng Chia | 0093 |
Sherwood | 1399 |
Siam | 0037 |
Signature | 0054 |
Signet | 1262 |
SKY | 0037 |
Skyworth | 1799 |
Sole | 1366, 1483, 1623, 2075 |
Sony | 0810, 0000, 1685, 1825, 1904, 1925, 2736 |
Soundesign | 0180, 0178 |
Sova | 1952 |
Soyo | 1746, 1824 |
Space Tek | 1696 |
Spectroniq | 1687 |
Squareview | 0171 |
SSS | 0180 |
Starlite | 0180 |
Studio Experience | 0843 |
SunBriteTV | 1420, 2337 |
Superscan | 0093, 0864, 1944 |
Supersonic | 1753, 2104, 3204 |
Supreme | 0000 |
SVA | 0748, 0865, 1963 |
Sylvania | 1864, 0054, 0030, 0171, 1271, 1314, 1394, 1665, 1886, 1944, 1963 |
Symphonic | 0180, 0171, 1394, 1904, 1944 |
Syntax | 1610, 1144, 1240, 1331 |
Tahoci | 0561 |
Talent | 0178 |
Tandy | 0093 |
Tatung | 1286, 1288, 1361, 1756, 2496 |
TCL | 2414, 2434, 3183 |
Technics | 0250, 0051 |
Techwood | 0051, 0056 |
Teknika | 0054, 0180, 0150, 0060,0092, 0056 |
Telefunken | 0702, 0056 |
Thomas | 1904 |
TMK | 0178, 0056 |
TNCi | 0017 |
Tophouse | 0180, 0672, 1385 |
Toshiba | 1524, 0154, 0156, 1256, 0093, 1265, 0060, 2724, 2006, 1959, 1945, 1936,1935, 1743, 1704, 1656, 1356, 1343, 1325, 1156, 0822, 0650 |
TruTech | 1665, 1723, 2066 |
TVS | 0463 |
US Logic | 1286 |
Vector Research | 0030 |
Venturer | 1865 |
VEOS | 1007 |
Victor | 0053 |
Vidikron | 0054, 1398 |
Vidtech | 0178 |
Viewsonic | 1755, 1564, 0797, 0857, 0864, 0885, 1330, 1365, 1578, 1627, 1640, 1742,2014, 2049, 2087, 2277 |
Viore | 1207, 1684, 1811, 2104, 2352, 3118 |
Visart | 1336 |
Vizio | 1758, 0864, 0885, 1756, 2512, 2757 |
Wards | 0000, 0047, 0054, 0017, 0154, 0156, 0051, 0180, 0060, 0178, 0030, 0056, 0866, 1147, 1156, 1347 |
Waycon | 0156 |
Westinghouse | 1712, 0451, 0885, 0889, 0890, 1217, 1282, 1300,1577, 2195, 2293, 2499 |
White Westinghouse | 0463, 1661, 0623 |
Winco | 0412 |
Wyse | 1365 |
Xion | 1792 |
Yamaha | 0030, 0797 |
Zenith | 0000, 1423, 0047, 0017, 0463, 1265, 0178, 0030, 1145, 0145, 0092, 1661, 1325, 1365, 0037, 1721,1859, 1904, 2358 |